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Google’s new feature removes personal information from search results
Are you tired of your personal information being available on search engines? Let’s be honest. Who isn’t? Well, now Google is updating its privacy tool to make it more powerful and easier than ever to remove your personal information from their search engine. Google’s ‘Results about You’ tool was rolled out last year. Google says […]
Explained | What are ‘dark patterns’ and how they harm internet users
The rabbit hole of the internet can be a scary jungle sometimes. Going online was a deliberate act just 15 years ago. It has now become a perpetual state thanks to smartphones, smart this, smart that and whatnot. What was once promise of a free and equal virtual world soon attracted attention of big corporate […]
How to leave a video message on FaceTime with iOS 17
The latest iPhone software update, iOS 17, has come out with a new nifty feature that allows you to send a ‘video voicemail’ if the person you’re trying to FaceTime doesn’t pick up. Here’s how it works. CLICK TO GET KURT’S FREE CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH SECURITY ALERTS, QUICK VIDEO TIPS, TECH REVIEWS, AND EASY HOW-TO’S […]