Colorado voters seeking Trump ballot ban file response in effort to speed up Supreme Court decision

Colorado voters seeking Trump ballot ban file response in effort to speed up Supreme Court decision

Colorado voters seeking to remove Donald Trump from their state’s ballot responded on Thursday to the former president’s appeal, asking the U.S. Supreme Court to disqualify him from appearing on the ballot for another term.

“The Court should decline Trump’s invitation to second-guess the Colorado Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Colorado Election Code,” the court filing said.

The Supreme Court originally gave the Colorado voters until Feb. 5 to file their response to Trump’s appeal, but the voter plaintiffs want the court to hear and decide the issue quickly.

The justices have not decided whether they will expedite consideration of the Colorado voters’ appeal. 


On Wednesday, Trump asked the justices to reverse the Colorado state supreme court’s ruling to disqualify him from the Republican primary ballot for engaging in insurrection.

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